Protected: Lemmings 2 SNES – Decompiled – Part 1
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Protected: Lemmings 2 SNES Programming Diary
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Protected: Graphics Conversion – Part 2
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Protected: Graphics Conversion – Part 1
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Agon Lemmings – Part 4
The last big technical challenge. - modifying the background so we can dig, bash or nuke!
Agon Lemmings – Part 3
With the release of the updated OS, BBC Basic and VDP code, a new graphics format has become available – 2222. What this does is gives us a format that…
ZX Spectrum Next – Feature List
I've been asked more than once if there's a nice all in one feature list page for the ZXNext, but there isn't on, so I thought I'd make it....
Installing #CSpect on a Mac
There’s been a load of people having problems installing #CSpect – and mono, on MacOS. So I’ve uninstalled it from my M1 Macbook Pro, and this is my process for…
Installing #CSpect on a Raspberry Pi 5
I got a new Raspberry Pi 5 yesterday, so I could now write up how to install #CSpect on it. Turns out, it’s not so hard! After downloading the latest…
Protected: Armalyte – Adding a player ship
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